In the news

As MeToo storms the world, some techies are forming men’s groups to talk about their emotions…sometimes, they cry
The 32-year-old founder of, a video montage platform recently dubbed by the New Yorker as “Hallmark 2.0,” recalled throwing things and slamming doors – but never actually expressing his anger. So, one of the attendees in his men’s-only meeting group handed him a pillow while the others encouraged him to scream into it. He […]
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Inside Evryman, a movement to get men to share their feelings
In 2017, Evryman, an organization that creates a space for men to come together and learn skills relating to being expressive and open, hoping to impact future generations of men. Doty and Evryman members Aaron Blaine and Rajiv Lahens sit down on TODAY to talk about the movement.
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